Navigating job insecurity and uncertainty
Sharing a few self-validation tips that have helped me throughout draining rounds of layoffs
If you work in tech (like me), it’s been rough. Actually, most industries are having a rough time during this economic downturn. Lots of uncertainty, layoffs left and right… Tommy’s company had layoffs 1.5 weeks ago. And it’s been almost 3 weeks since layoffs happened at my company (again). With another wave happening at the end of this month. I was lucky to be spared (again, and thankfully Tommy too). But it’s still been a rollercoaster of emotions over the last month (hitting its peak a couple weeks prior and the weeks following). Anxiety, sadness, fear, relief, exhaustion and uncertainty.
No matter what scenario someone is in (getting let go, keeping a job, job searching in this environment…), it’s tough. I’m still in a funk, and I’m trying to give myself time and space to wade through the feelings of change and ambiguity.
I wanted to share 3 exercises that have helped me a lot during this process (pre- and post-layoffs) in case it’s helpful for anyone else during this time of job insecurity and uncertainty. Journaling has enabled me to do these exercises (and it’s not a requirement to be a big journaler). I’ve found that having my own words/assurances in written form are so powerful. They provide self-validation, which can be so empowering in times when you may feel instability due to things being out of your control or shame/fear/etc. in sharing with someone else.
Being honest about my true feelings, no matter how shitty they are.
Something just feels so authentic and freeing when you can name what you’re going through. Questions I asked myself were, “What am I feeling?” and “Why do I feel that way?” [Essentially I worked to confront my anxieties / the beliefs driving them in a similar way as described in my previous post; worth a read if you have deep-rooted anxiety like I did.]
Whether you’re feeling down or overwhelmed or just plain scared, admitting those feelings to yourself is scary but powerful. You’re no longer trying to hide behind a facade and act like everything’s ok. You’re giving yourself the permission to feel a range of emotions. Seeing your feelings written down and being extremely cognizant about what you’re feeling helps you question why you’re feeling that way. Only then can you dissect those thoughts to determine if they’re rational (or not) and ultimately overcome the anxiety associated with those feelings/thoughts.
To illustrate my process, here is my actual journal entry prior to layoffs:
“Tonight is the eve of layoff news, and I’m not going to lie, I’ve been anxious/sad all day. I think it’s mostly driven by a sadness that there’s a possibility I could lose my current reality (a job that I seem to be liking so far, a really supportive team/manager, and decent work-life balance). On top of it, of course, money. And generally being sad (and a bit angry) that I worked so hard and long to find this job and being unsure that I can attain it again.”
I could have easily been in denial about my feelings, which likely would have kept me in a spiral of anxiety. By identifying my true feelings, I was able to parse out reality (there was a real possibility that I could lose a job I liked and be short on money for a while) from conjecture (was it really impossible to attain a similar job to the one I had? Or could it be done if I put in the effort?). Being in tune with my feelings allowed me to think more rationally about my situation as I worked on #2 - giving myself confidence.
Give myself confidence that I can do what’s within my control and make it through different circumstances. Find gratitude in any silver linings.
As I was anticipating layoffs, I found it really helpful to play through unfavorable scenarios. What would happen if I was laid off? What is within my control? Are there any silver linings?
Expanding on my situation as context, I started a new job 1 month prior to my company’s layoffs. I really didn’t want to lose my job because I had spent nearly 9 months job searching to find a role that I was excited about (after experiencing years of burnout from my last role). The job I accepted was a slight deviation from my career path, and it ended up being the exact situation I was looking for. So I was extremely fearful of losing a really good thing that I had worked so hard for.
Here’s my actual journal entry (written on the eve of layoffs), walking through the possibility of getting laid off and highlighting the silver lining(s):
“The bright side from having this new job over the last month (even if I lose it) is that I’ve really learned that I’m long overdue for a change in my job/career. And maybe it gives me more clarity about what I’d look for in a job (if I were to lose mine). And that’s clarity (and a bit confidence in myself for doing something new) that I wouldn’t have had without this job. If I get laid off, I’ll know that it is possible to find a job I like more, and I’ll just need to work to find something like that again. Words to myself (in case I get laid off tomorrow): You are capable of figuring out your situation and working towards a life you want. No matter the circumstances. The road might take longer / be an uncharted path / require me to be smarter with my finances, but it is possible and I’ll learn how to navigate it.”
I found that writing this out put me much more at ease. Like I was prepared for a range of situations and knew I’d figure it out. Sure, it’s much highly preferred/easier to keep my job, but I was able to reassure myself that I could respond accordingly to whatever came my way.
Realizing that my identity and worth are not one-dimensional; they’re not solely tied to my job/company.
I’ve often seen that layoffs (or the prospect of them) can make people question their own worth. We spend so much of our time doing work, so it’s understandable why this might be the case.
In reality, we’re all complex individuals. We’re not solely defined by our job (let alone the company we work for), even if we spend a majority of our week on it. Some people love their job, and that’s really great. Even if you love your job, your identity is not tied to that specific company or initiative you work on. You could find opportunities and ways to bring your talent and passion elsewhere (if you involuntarily or voluntarily needed to leave a job).
And if you don’t like your job, it’s ok if it’s a means to an end. Honestly, I primarily work in my current role/company because I need money to support my family. It would be ideal if I could find something that I love doing that makes money. But I’m at peace with the fact that I haven’t found that dream job yet. Whether or not I have a job, I’m a mother who loves her daughter. I’m a committed wife. I’m passionate about mental health/personal growth with personal interests that bring me joy/allow me to connect with others (style/shopping, BTS, binging TV shows). I’m a good friend and contributing family member. The list goes on. If I got laid off, it’s a pain in the ass (and sad) for sure. But I still have worth.
Job insecurity and layoffs are always incredibly hard and anxiety-inducing, and it’s almost impossible to navigate these times completely unscathed. But these exercises have helped keep me a bit more grounded. Especially in written forms, they’ve given me something to go back to, empowering me with strength and encouragement. And often times, my own words strike a different chord than just getting external validation.